16 December 2015

Tasik Maninjau

Tasik Maninjau (Danau Maninjau) ialah sebuah tasik kaldera di Agam, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Letaknya 16 km di barat Bukittinggi.
Ramai pelancong terutama dari Malaysia berkunjung ke sini untuk melihat sendiri keindahan suasana pergunungan dan kebersihan air di Tasik Maninjau. Terdapat juga aktiviti paragliding di sini.
Di sinilah tempat kelahiran ulama tersohor, Hamka. Museum Rumah Kelahiran Buya Hamka terletak di sini.
The Maninjau caldera was formed by a volcanic eruption estimated to have occurred around 52,000 years ago. Deposits from the eruption have been found in a radial distribution around Maninjau extending up to 50 km to the east, 75 km to the southeast, and west to the present coastline. The deposits are estimated to be distributed over 8500 km² and have a volume of 220–250 km³. The caldera has a length of 20 km and a width of 8 km.
Lake Maninjau has an area of 99.5 km², being approximately 16 km long and 7 km wide. The average depth is 105 m, with a maximum depth of 165 m. The natural outlet for excess water is the Antokan river, located on the west side of the lake. It is the only lake in Sumatra which has a natural outlet to the west coast. Since 1983 this water has been used to generate hydroelectric power for West Sumatra, generated around 68 MW at maximum load.

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